Tuesday, 31 July 2007


I still can't find time to develop more films.
It will have to wait till Autumn. One or two more months will not make much difference to the 40 years already waited.
In the meantime, a scene I never saw in steam days - a WD on a passenger train.
Worth Valley 30th July. Nipped out from work for a half hour. Happy days!!!

Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Film 7

I haven't stopped processing the film, it's just that I've been away (to wonderful Samos), and the next week is busy preparing an old bike for sale. (a Husqvarna 510 if anyone is interested - £600)
I aim to have more published by mid June.
In the meantime look at some shots of Princess Elizabeth taken this weekend

Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Film 6 - 1967 A day to Birkenhead via Chester

I have mistakenly used a squeegy to dry the film and unfortunately it has left marks.
Ho-hum, we all learn by our mistakes
When you have finished looking at my shots, please use the link opposite to view extra things of interest.A shot from the window of the DMU taking me to Chester.
I went to Birkenhead that day (on my own) just to see the Crabs.
A general view of Chester shed.
A 9F runs light engine near Chester
70004 and Crab 42942 together at Birkenhead shed
A Jinty on a pick-up freight at Chester
Above - Britannia 70009 Alfred the Great
Below - Britannia 70004 William Shakespeare

A Standard 2-6-0 stands at Chester Central
The following shots are back on home ground.

45675 Hardy at Saltaire. Hirst Wood signal box is on the right just beyond the bridge. Listen to John Marsh's recording by following the link shown at the top of the page.

Jubilee 45694 Bellerophon at Bradford Exchange station.
Bellerophon approaches Mill Lane

Friday, 6 April 2007

Film 5. 35026 visits York. 22 October 1966.

A day in York to record the visit of 35026 'Lamport & Holt Line'. The first time I ever saw a Bulleid Pacific

35026 and K1 62012 on York shed (62012 seems to feature on most of my films, yet the only K1 I remember all these years on is the now preserved 62005.

4472 'Flying Sotsman' also saw duty on the railtour that day.
4472 Takes over from the MN.
60019 'Bittern' has just been bought for preservation and rests inside York shed. (now the NRM)

It seems every film has at least one shot of a Black 5 at Saltaire.
44857 on the Heysham Parcels.
48148 drifts south past Saltaire on a loose freight
WD 8F 90642 at Heaton Lodge Junction near Mirfield.

York 9F inside the shed at Mirfield.
48106 with snowplough passes through Brighouse - not Mirfield as originally thought, (thanks John)

Thursday, 15 March 2007

Film 4 - Buxton Spring 1968

A disaster I'm afraid.
This film has just not survived.
However, I have put several shots on as it shows just how many shots you can get of an 8F on a limestone train. 48191 looked resplendant in it's enthusiast applied finish.
Shots taken between Gowhole Yard and Chinley.

Sunday, 25 February 2007

Film 3 Taken in 1966.

Taken around Shipley, Manningham, Bradford and Leeds.
I will add more captions later.(But to be honest I may have to guess at one of the shed locations)

A Fairburn tank passes St. Dunstans just after leaving Bradford Exchange.

A B1 at St. Dunstans

A foreigner on Midland territory. B1 61199 at Manningham Sheds. (The cottages in the background are the giveaway to the location, they are still there on Canal Road, Bradford)

To confirm the location, the lights of Bradford City Stadium can be seen in the distance of the enlarged image. This site is now an industial estate. (Hillam Road)
A fine line-up round the turntable inside Manningham Roundhouse.
I used to visit these sheds every lunchtime when I was at school nearby.

K1 62012 trundles through Leeds City station.
A view from the footplate of 45581 'Bihar and Orissa' at Farnley MPD.

45581 at Farnley.

Another shot of 45581

Q6 inside the shed at Farnley(?)

Britannia 70044 Earl Haig. I am not sure of the shed, but it could be Farnley.

Is this Low Moor shed? It looks like Skipton to me (I remember the snowplough), but the K1 throws me out (someone must know)
PS I reckon it is Skipton as 62012 was shot at Shipley heading north (see several shots below).
This is what is left of Skipton Shed today. Apart from new pitched roofs, the shots above and below are definately Skipton. One of the yard lights is still there!!!!

K1 62012 rounds the curve at Shipley heading a vans train to the north.(Heysham or Carlisle)
K1s were rare at Shipley at that time-as was any ex LNER engine.

A Stanier Class 5 heads through Shipley en route to Bradford Forster Square.

Jubilee 45675 Hardy heads the Heysham parcels past Salts Mill
Hardy was one of the last surviving Jubilees but along with Achilles, the least cared for.

A Britannia approaches Hirst Wood.

A Stanier 8F passes Hirst Wood.

A Britannia crosses the River Aire at Hirst Wood

Another Britannia at Hirst Wood.